Publishers King Papa Pear Saga full hack free legit subtitle Exciting bouncy puzzle game [to iphon




  • size=114,55 mB
  • Version=1.102.1
  • language=German
  • in-App=XL Gold Bars package
  • rating=1062 Vote
  • Reviews=I’ve been playing for about a year and it’s the only game I play. I love everything about it; but for the right kind of person. You have to be patient and not give up on some of the levels. I’ve been stuck on levels for days, but you have the Papa bouncing algorithm. Some levels are hard because they seem to be based on a lot of luck, and when you watch a video tip on how to solve it, their Papas bounce in totally different ways. Others are hard, but still a lot of fun. I finished the 915 levels in a year and am playing the next 15 newly released levels—so much fun!
  • ratings=4,4 / 5 Stars



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